


纽约预科 has built its diverse community based on the belief that each individual must be treated with equal respect. Our passion for academic excellence is enhanced by the inclusive environment that fosters our students in our classrooms and throughout our campus. Students come to 纽约预科 from diverse backgrounds and draw from each other's experiences and perspectives to learn and grow.
俱乐部 & Programs that educate and promote cultural, gender, socio-economic, religious, and neuro diversity
  • 亲和社义社
  • LGBTQI电影论坛
  • Gender-Sexuality联盟
  • 亚洲文化意识俱乐部
  • 美国手语俱乐部
  • 犹太传统俱乐部
  • ONYX黑人学生协会
  • 精神健康意识俱乐部


在newbb电子平台,我们坚持每个人作为一个人的价值. 我们培养每个学生的自豪感. This practice goes hand in hand with our perspective of 多样性、公平和包容.

请观看历史老师Mr. 罗珀谈到了他作为一名教师最自豪的时刻, 这时他的学生宣布 , “我必须做我自己”. 在这个视频中, he talks about the events in his classroom that lead the student towards this breakthrough.

今年夏天,newbb电子平台的教师们有了自己的暑期阅读清单! 每隔一周, we are engaging with a new resource that explores how we can further our anti-racist teaching and facilitate learning around issues of diversity, 公平与包容.  We are holding zoom meetings to unpack each resource and to discuss ways we embed Diversity, 股本, 和包容性工作贯穿我们的课程.  
Many of the Culturally Responsive Teaching strategies are already embedded in the 纽约预科 DNA: we know our students well, 我们利用他们的优势, 我们在他们所在的地方见到他们, 我们挑战他们成长. 虽然我们可能会自然地使用这些文章中引用的策略, we can continue to educate ourselves and find new ways to stretch our thinking and expand our toolkits.
贾米拉·皮茨的《newbb电子平台》 -  It was written in 2016 and serves as a reminder that while these issues may feel “timely” right now, 对这种教学的需求并不是什么新鲜事. 这篇文章来自网站, 教学宽容, 哪个资源是教案中不可思议的资源, 反歧视原则还管辖规模, 专业发展. 
文化响应式教学策略 -专注于将5种策略融入我们的课堂.

开始进行文化响应式教学 - Explores how we examine our own biases and create safe and challenging places for our students.

让任何课程更符合文化的三个技巧 -一个很棒的图形,给出了一些提示,并重点介绍了什么是CRT mentioning Africa for the sake of it, or rapping about the Boston tea party for example)
Two 纽约预科 teachers share examples of how race is discussed in their classrooms, 以及它如何适用于历史和今天
Ms. 戴维斯,英语 & 学者计划教师:

This Spring I taught a 9th/10th grade scholars class on Black Speculative Fiction. 我们读到的所有文本都以不同的方式处理种族问题, 但有一周,这个国家的头条新闻与我们的阅读直接相交. 这一周,公众强烈要求逮捕枪杀阿伯里的凶手, 我们碰巧在读齐默尔兰的故事 Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah,来自Friday Black系列. The story depicts a fictional theme park that allows people to simulate different “vigilante” experiences, 比如在“你的”社区杀死一个陌生的黑人. 黑人主角, 公园的雇员, 对这个公园是否让有色人种的世界更安全感到矛盾吗, 或者它是否使种族主义暴力正常化. Reading this story at the same time as the Arbery case helped students navigate these difficult issues in a space of critical thought.
在我们11年级的学者课上讲格温多林·布鲁克斯的中篇小说, 莫德玛莎, we examined vignettes that dealt with how more subtle forms of racism affect women of color. These stories opened up discussions about the intersectionality of beauty standards, micro-aggressions, 以及文本中的歧视性语言和我们当前的社会.
9点1分的最后一天, we took advantage of the double period to allow students to share their thoughts and questions about the George Floyd protests. Together, we watched a video of a James Baldwin speech from 1965 when he debated William F. 剑桥的巴克利. Baldwin argues that “the American Dream is at the expense of the American Negro” in a riveting oration that examines how one’s very system of reality is shaped by the racism embedded in society. Students were impressed by Baldwin’s eloquent delivery and the power of his message. 
在11月, my 11-1 English class took a field trip to see the Weeksville Heritage Center in Brooklyn, the site of a historic neighborhood founded by free African Americans in the 19th century. 在阅读了弗雷德里克·道格拉斯和哈丽特·雅各布斯的叙述之后, students were able to expand their understanding of Black lives in the 19th century by learning about the accomplishments of a free Black community in New York City.
Mr. 历史老师戈登:

在詹姆斯敦八年级的历史课上. 戈登提出了这样一个问题:“以种族划分人是人类的本性吗?" The unit began with a discussion of a New York Times map of New York City's population, 这表明今天的社区存在严重的种族隔离. Some students theorized that people generally prefer to live with people who share their culture, while other students thought that perhaps the segregation was 不 done by choice. 我们检查了双方的证据, including psychological studies about racial preferences and learning about policies in the 20th century that led to residential segregation, 例如重新排列.
然后我们回到过去,把同样的问题应用到詹姆斯敦殖民地. 通过对这一时期第一手资料和第二手资料的分析, 学生得出结论,非洲人, 欧洲, 和印第安人一开始确实相处得很好. 然而, wealthy English landowners began to fear that servants and enslaved people would rise up against them. 在回应, 他们通过法律将工人分开, 比如禁止异族通婚, which over time created social taboos that pit people of different races against one a不her.
在本单元结束前, students began reflecting on their own experiences in racially integrated and segregated settings. They wondered how their own lives had been impacted by the laws and policies we examined, 以及是什么力量塑造了他们对种族的看法.
以下是八年级学生Tatiana Breslernewbb电子平台这个话题的一篇文章的摘录:
"Sometimes laws and rules can be implanted into our heads at a young age and it can make us feel as if these laws and rules are moral and the right thing to believe. And in the past rules have been made to separate different races and some still affect us today. In 1691, a law was passed by the General Assembly of Virginia to make it illegal for whites to marry people of other races. 法案上说:“从现在起生效, 如果任何英国人或其他自由的白人与黑人通婚, 黄褐色的, 或印度男人或女人”. 这项法律使得与其他种族通婚似乎是错误的, 但这项法律的制定也表明,其他种族也在相互通婚, because why would the government make a law about something that is 不 happening? This shows that people in charge segregated other races making citizens and fellow generations to come think something is wrong."
参与: · 白色的帮凶 -采取行动的实际方法 白人能为种族正义做的75件事 ——选自Medium· 为种族正义挺身而出(SURJ) -全国团体网络 & 为种族正义而努力的个人 反种族主义项目 -总部设在纽约的组织,提供讲习班; & 专业发展· 超越标签:如何在你的生活中采取反种族主义行动 ——摘自《newbb电子平台》
要关注的社交媒体账户·反种族主义中心: 推特 ·奥德丽·洛德项目: 推特 | Instagram | 脸谱网 ·变化的颜色: 推特 | Instagram | 脸谱网 ·肤色线: 推特 | Instagram | 脸谱网 ·有意识的孩子: 推特 | Instagram | 脸谱网 ·平等司法倡议(EJI): 推特 | Instagram | 脸谱网 ·家庭归属: 推特 | Instagram | 脸谱网 ·民事领导会议 & 人权: 推特 | Instagram | 脸谱网 ·RAICES: 推特 | Instagram | 脸谱网 ·为种族正义挺身而出(SURJ): 推特 | Instagram | 脸谱网 ·团结我们的梦想: 推特 | Instagram | 脸谱网
推荐读物: · 如何成为一名反种族主义者 博士. Ibram X. Kendi· 盖章:种族主义,反种族主义, & 你 杰森·雷诺兹· 重新定义真实性 珍妮特·莫克 所以你想谈种族问题 作者:Ijeoma Oluo· 《newbb电子平台》 米歇尔·亚历山大· 为什么所有的黑人孩子都坐在食堂里? 贝弗利·丹尼尔·塔图姆著
Additional Books and 文章 Recommended by School Counselor, Evelyn Rowe-Cosentino
我不是女人吗 贝尔·胡克斯
《在世界与我之间 塔尼希斯·科茨著
扼喉:黑人警察 保罗·巴特勒
我和白人至上主义 作者:Layla F. 萨德
我祖母的手 作者:Resmaa Menakem
当地人 阿卡拉的
创伤后奴隶综合症 博士. 快乐Degruy
地球上的可怜人 弗朗茨·法农著
这本书是反种族主义的 蒂芙尼·朱厄尔
白色的脆弱性 罗宾·迪韦洛著
震怒 卡罗尔·安德森
白人能为种族正义做的97件事 作者:Corrine Shutack
黑人思想很重要 作者:科珊德拉·迪拉德
享有特权的 密尔沃基雄鹿队的肯·科沃尔